Music Notation Game

How To Play

  1. If you are not familiar with music notation, press HINT button in the navigation bar on the home page. This will open up the window with an image that has all notation used for the game and corresponding alphabets. You can access this window any time during the game too.
  2. When you are ready to play the game, press the large flashing start button in the home page.
  3. You will now have access to the game panel and the game will start.
    • The countdown timer will start. You have 60 seconds to play.
    • In the image panel, a new image with one note will be displayed.
    • Press the alphabet button for the image note.
    • You can press HINT button in the navigation bar to display the notation image with note names.
    • If your answer is correct, button will turn green and your score will go up.
    • If your answer is incorrect, button will turn red
    • When the time is up, your score is recorded in the Last Score section.
    • You can play again and try to beat the last score!

Game objective: Get as many points during the game duration of 60 seconds by pressing the correct alphabet for the notation image displayed.

Press Home button in navigation bar to play a game

Enjoy learnig music notation!